Welcome to Environmental Health

The Environmental Health branch of the Clinton County Health Department is divided into four grant funded programs; Food Protection, Private Sewage Disposal, Private Water Supply and West Nile Virus Surveillance. These programs are executed and managed by a Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner.  Additional environmental health duties include handling county nuisance complaints and participation in emergency preparedness training, planning, and exercises.

The Environmental Health section of this website is designed to meet the needs for all questions and inquiries.  Please read the provided information, forms, applications, documents and resource links.

Need Help?  Email environmentalhealth@clintonco.illinois.gov  or contact the Environmental Health Programs Manager at 618-594-2723, ext. 324.


Function of Environmental Health

Environmental health programs are intended to prevent or reduce the incidence of disease, death or disability caused by infectious diseases; exposure to hazardous or toxic substances; or unsafe food, water, air, consumer products, or other environmental exposures.  Environmental health and environmental protection are interrelated; the enforcement of environmental laws and policies, science based management practices and environmental engineering all play a role in safeguarding the health of the environment and the public.

The World Health Organization reports that environmental factors account for an estimated 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of all deaths.

In the 20th century public health improvements in sanitation and hygiene, the discovery of antibiotics, and the implementation of universal childhood vaccination programs contributed to a marked decline of infectious diseases in the United States.  Environmental health improvements included sewage disposal, water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, public education about hygienic practices (e.g., food handling and hand washing) and vector control.  All of these factors have contributed to an increased life expectancy of an additional 29.2 years for Americans (1).



  1.  CDC. Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999:  Control of Infectious Diseases. Atlanta, Georgia:  MMWR 1999; 48(29); 621-629.